What’s up with this holiday season? I mean, it’s the same every year, but this year I’m especially annoyed by it. Probably because I’m being forced into the holiday spirit by my roommate….she hates me and tortures me at any opportunity. We’ve got our Xmas tree, and I begun decorating it with beer and 4Loko cans (because that’s what I do). I still don’t see the point in chopping down a tree, putting it in your house for a month, then throwing it away. I’m growing attached to the sucker, and I’m going to keep watering it and see if I can keep this motherfucker all year…..fuckit, I paid good money for it. I’m gonna get my moneys worth…….
And what’s with this Santa character? Isn’t Christmas about that Jesus fellow? Yeah, the Indian dude that America turned white….because in the part of the world he was supposed to born in is filled with NOTHING but camel-jockeys! Who doesn’t realize this? Yes, I said it….the man you call Jesus would have a hard time getting through the airport, and make you uncomfortable on the plane. Fucking American religious assholes…..
So, in my opinion, yesterday should have been Jesuscon in NYC, and everyone should have dressed up as him instead. THAT would have been the correct holiday spirit. Me? I’d have dressed up like the Grinch and used a paintball gun on them suckas to bring my own little Christmastime joy. I don’t need a reason to get hammered. And I sure as hell don’t have to dress up like a fat old pedophile to do so either.
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