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Monday, November 8, 2010

Can Jersey's whole Shore just wash away?

Fuck the whole Jersey Shore phenomenon. Seriously. It’s part of what’s wrong with our country. We give shine to tools and idiots. And we suppress those that have things important and worthwhile to say. Ever since this show was puked upon our televisions, I was perplexed as to why people liked it. I refused to even give it a shot. And up until recently, the only part I’ve ever seen was when the character Snooki got a well deserved punch to her orange pumpkin-like head.

I asked a few people why they liked it. The best answer I got was from these two black dudes I work with who love the show. They said “We like it because they are the n***as of the white people. And we don’t see enough of that”. I can’t argue why they like it….. We, as people, are drawn to train wrecks. And even more so if the people wrecked are those we prey to see fall. Like, I hate guidos and tools. And that show is chock-full of nothing but them. They are disgusting and vile. Fuck you, your orange tans and your spiked hair. Ass clowns…..

But the route of my hatred for them dives even deeper than that. I hate when people become popular and rich off being completely worthless. Like, what do they contribute to the world? They have ZERO talent. They aren’t funny. They aren’t creative. They are rich off of NOTHING! They bring less to the table than a bag full of shit. At least a bag full of shit can be used as fertilizer…..

That’s something that irritates me to the max. That is why I loath most reality shows. They encourage people to suck at life. They give money and fame to the undeserving. I run into struggling, yet much funnier, talented, and creative people in my everyday life than most of these “reality” stars. And what sucks is that the masses eat that shit up! Why? I actually say down and watched an episode finally….not by choice. My roommate is one of the masses consumed by this turd of a show. And you know what? The show was not funny…amusing…thought provoking….interesting. Nothing. It was a house full of dickheads arguing and fighting over nothing. I can get that anywhere. I don’t need to tune in and make them rich from it.

And how does someone like Snooki get on the show? She’s one of the most disgusting looking and acting people to grace the Earth. She’s a square pumpkin, with about as much brains as one too….. I honestly throw up on the inside a little everytime she is shown on tv. And what’s up with her mouth? I would rather watch brain surgery than watch her speak. It’s just not right……

I just cannot wait for their 15 minutes are up and they go the way of Tom Green…….

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