So, as some of you may have noticed in previous blogs, I have an issue with slutty women. Sometimes it’s out of just comedic reasons, but deep inside, I do dislike sluts. I’ve decided to investigate my reason behind it. Well, I always KNEW my reason, but had to put it to words that others would understand.
Now, I’m not against a fling here and there, or a few one night stands. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not an absolute prude! My issue is more focused to the girls that go out of there way to sleep with many different guys. Girls that get desperate and go thru there phone looking for someone to come over, no matter who it is, to satisfy some unquenchable desire to get laid. Girls who thing 3 weeks without sex is a “dry spell”. Girls who, at their rate, are going to (or already have reached) the 100 man mark in partners. To me, that is plain reckless, and you probably don’t have any self respect. Sure, you might put up the front, and try and tell yourself you do, but your actions tell another story.
I know many girls like this. And I’m not saying they are bad people per se. They aren’t. Many of the sluts I know are very kind (too kind?), and giving (well, duh). They just have an issue that makes me somewhat disgusted by them. And here is my explanation why……I’m going to try and put this in the easiest way possible for you to understand.
As some of you may know, I think life is about “energy”. We thrive off it, we live by it, and all that we do is a reflection of energy. Whether it is a good or bad energy, it’s what we live off of. And a part of that energy is power. We all possess a certain power. People respect power. Many go overboard with it, but that’s life, and I’ll blog about that some other time. Okay, I’m getting off track here….let’s reel this back in.
At first meeting, women hold all the power in a relationship, be it an exclusive relationship, or a friendship. It’s this power that makes them have the ability to have men do whatever they want. Buy them things, bring them places, and help them….ect. You cannot deny that women are in complete control at this stage. BUT, as soon as they let the man sleep with them, she then transfers her power to him. Post-sex, men act differently. Sure, they may still be “nice”, but women, you can TELL there is a difference in the way they act. It’s not by accident. They are now in control. They know they have “conquered” you. Women begin developing weakness, letting guys get away with things that they wouldn’t before sex. And the more men women sleep with, the more power they are giving away and the weaker they are. Some women try to help their confidence by saying “well, I’m still getting this or that”….okay, he knows that to he can control you with money….yeah, you’re strong. No, you are still at his command. He just knows how to push your buttons to do what he wants. And once a woman sleeps with a man, for the rest of his life, no matter what the situation is, somewhere in his head, he believes that he can sleep with you. Of course, when it comes to love, that is both partners submitting to splitting power between them. Usually you can tell who’s in love because they show the same respect and affection in public as they do in private. It’s a great thing, and unfortunately not as common as you’d like to think.
I ran this by a couple women, and they tried the retort of “Some women aren’t weak; they just feel that they think they can be closer to a man if they sleep with them”. That logic is RIDICULOUS! Of course it’ll seem that way at first, but really? No shit. But really, is that really a good reason to bang everyone you go to dinner with? How about getting closer by talking? You know, having things in common. I know, that’s too much work.
Then I here the disturbing “Well, we have to be compatible in bed, so that’s why…”. That’s what men call “whore logic” behind your backs. If you’re looking for a companion, you have to know how to communicate with words. You can teach any schmuck to be good in bed. You can’t teach conversation. Besides, sex is only going to consume a tiny percentage of your time together. And if you build your relationship on “bed compatibility”, you’re setting yourself up for failure. You have to concentrate on what you’ll be doing the other 23.5 hours of the day. Once the sex passes that “new relationship” stage, you need something to stand on. Couples with great communication have much better, and longer, relationships that ones that base their relationship off of sexual compatibility.
And besides the whole weak thing, guys are very prideful. And the last thing a dude needs is to walk in the bar with you and have half the males there have been former partners. Once alcohol starts flowing, old flames try things, or say things, and sometimes that is hard to shake off. I’ve hung out with a slutty friend at a bar, and heard, no shit, 3 guys at the bar talking about how they “hit that”. And it was disturbing. They had obvious lack of respect for her. And if that was my woman, I’d be pissed at someone showing that type of disrespect to her. Of course, when she came over, they were ultra nice….like I said before, once smashed, men feel the window is always open, just need the opportunity.
Okay, now you are probably thinking I’m anti-sex. HAHA….. No, by all means, I’m not. Sex is awesome! Just don’t have sex with as many random people as possible. Hold out for someone you KNOW respects you. Make sure they person is someone that isn’t there ONLY for one thing. Shoot, if you must have a booty call, make it someone that you know really respects and cares about you, maybe someone that you get along with, but know you don’t want a long-term thing with. It’s much better than some random person that’s just looking to get a “nut off” after 1am.
I know that in this day in age, the numbers of sluts are running amuck. Sluts are spreading like zombies. In this age of MTV, internet, and so on…..the world looks like it’s turning into a slut breeding ground. Many feel like if you can’t beat them, join them. Eh….maybe that’s just how the world wants it.
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Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Natural Disasters....maybe not so natural
This whole Japan Tsunami event has people starting up their “2012” talk again. Which, as I have explained before, is utter ridiculous and I file it under the “nonsense” category. And if you bring it up, you lose all intellectual integrity in my eyes. For every action, and reaction, of this earth, there lays a perfectly good, scientific, explanation.
First, let me again, and hopefully for the last time, address the 2012 hoax. There is NO WAY this world is going to end that day. Where was it predicted? From the ancient Mayans said it. Yeah, they must be the smartest people ever…… Modern Mayans even have come out to call it bullshit. Okay, the reason behind this was because the Mayan Calendar ends in December of 2012. Did it ever occur to you that maybe they just got tired of writing days and figured they’d continue it when 2012 was within reach? Were they just supposed to keep going forever and ever? Things have to have an end, and that just happened to be the day it ended. There is absolutely no basis for that theory at all, so can we all just collectively agree to never bring it up again? Or, if you really, truly in your heart believe it, give me all your money and possessions in the days leading into it. Stand behind your words, cowards.
Okay, done with that rant. Now on to the point of me even starting this blog, the recent spike in major earthquakes and natural disasters. Many earthquakes are nothing new. We have thousands a year, just not to catastrophic and most go unnoticed. The severity is the biggest concern, and as far as I’m reading, no one has a clue why. So, I’m here to throw my uneducated thoughts into the ring and see how they marinate.
I’m no expert in oil, oil drilling, fossil fuels, or any of the mechanics of the Earth. But I think the professors of Universities and other “smart” people should take a look at the direct correlation between pulling oil out of the ground, and significance of earthquake events. I feel like we may be underestimating the need for the Earth to have much of this oil. The more oil we pull from the ground, the more dried out the Earth has become, therefore having less lubricant for the fault lines, which, in turn, make the shifts more violent. If you really think about it, it kind of makes sense, no? The friction is what is making the magnitude increase, and followed up by the insane amount of violent aftershocks.
As for the severity of hurricanes, that has to do with us killing the Earth’s supply of trees. Trees, believe it or not, have a lot to do with how the atmosphere works. And we are destroying acres upon acres a day. That has long-term affects, but the millionaires of the world are thinking more short-sighted. It’s a shame too. But that goes back to my blog about greed.
How do we fix this? Well, it’s not simple, of course. But what ever happened to us pushing for solar power? We have an abundance of free solar power. Just take a little more money to research, and use natural power. Maybe put up more windmills, or water tread things. Use that kind of power for a little. Let the Earth catch a breather for a minute. The more we pull from the Earth, the more it’s going to reject us……..
First, let me again, and hopefully for the last time, address the 2012 hoax. There is NO WAY this world is going to end that day. Where was it predicted? From the ancient Mayans said it. Yeah, they must be the smartest people ever…… Modern Mayans even have come out to call it bullshit. Okay, the reason behind this was because the Mayan Calendar ends in December of 2012. Did it ever occur to you that maybe they just got tired of writing days and figured they’d continue it when 2012 was within reach? Were they just supposed to keep going forever and ever? Things have to have an end, and that just happened to be the day it ended. There is absolutely no basis for that theory at all, so can we all just collectively agree to never bring it up again? Or, if you really, truly in your heart believe it, give me all your money and possessions in the days leading into it. Stand behind your words, cowards.
Okay, done with that rant. Now on to the point of me even starting this blog, the recent spike in major earthquakes and natural disasters. Many earthquakes are nothing new. We have thousands a year, just not to catastrophic and most go unnoticed. The severity is the biggest concern, and as far as I’m reading, no one has a clue why. So, I’m here to throw my uneducated thoughts into the ring and see how they marinate.
I’m no expert in oil, oil drilling, fossil fuels, or any of the mechanics of the Earth. But I think the professors of Universities and other “smart” people should take a look at the direct correlation between pulling oil out of the ground, and significance of earthquake events. I feel like we may be underestimating the need for the Earth to have much of this oil. The more oil we pull from the ground, the more dried out the Earth has become, therefore having less lubricant for the fault lines, which, in turn, make the shifts more violent. If you really think about it, it kind of makes sense, no? The friction is what is making the magnitude increase, and followed up by the insane amount of violent aftershocks.
As for the severity of hurricanes, that has to do with us killing the Earth’s supply of trees. Trees, believe it or not, have a lot to do with how the atmosphere works. And we are destroying acres upon acres a day. That has long-term affects, but the millionaires of the world are thinking more short-sighted. It’s a shame too. But that goes back to my blog about greed.
How do we fix this? Well, it’s not simple, of course. But what ever happened to us pushing for solar power? We have an abundance of free solar power. Just take a little more money to research, and use natural power. Maybe put up more windmills, or water tread things. Use that kind of power for a little. Let the Earth catch a breather for a minute. The more we pull from the Earth, the more it’s going to reject us……..
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